Section 1
2.Passport number
3.Course applied: Advanced English Study
4. Time to stay: 4 months
5.Homestay time;5 weeks
6.对homestay有什么要求(non-smoker, non-drinker, pet),
7.favorite food: seafood,
8.对体育运动的爱好: Tennis
9. Preferred transportation: train
10.何时可以得到信息: This afternoon
11.register, enrollments date: 20 weeks
Section 2 (about go abroad and visa)
11. Visa can last (90days)
12. If you carry a lot of money you should fill a (currency form),
13. Go to (your own embassy) to apply.
14. If you wish to get a Youth transportation card, you should show your
(Student ID Card).
15. You should take (12 passport photos) with you,
16. Accepted currency: (Australian dollars and Yen)
17.在哪页:page 13 NOT 13 PAGES
Section Three (a survey about shopping)
17. Occupation (cashier)
18. How much spend per week shopping (50~100 pounds),
19.swheresoften go(big department store, supermarket, and shopping mall)
20. What difficult to buy (jeans)
Section 4, about how to manager time,
听力:version 29
Section1说两个学生讨论准备一个学生电台的事宜。一开始有四道选择题,答案靠得非常紧,而且不明显。技巧是一开始一定要好好把选项都看完。第一题是关于资金来源,他们没有来源,所以只好用自己的钱。选student fund。第二题是他们讨论的内容选who will be in the participate.第三题是怎样来选伙伴,有share the idea和give the record,我自己也不是很确定。第四题忘了,不过瞒容易的。然后接着是一个表格填充题,填一些每个人要做的工作和应完成的时 间,答案包括以下一些: Dec, time planning,还有就是说话的两个人的名字可以在前面的选择题里找出来。
Section2开了个会,是会上的说明,一开始就是两个空格很简单,professor和teacher然后是一个关于开会时 间地点和内容的表格有the ground floor, 3:10, Palm…之后是选择题,选项有fish(C), (C), contain all the cost (D)
Section3是一个海外留学生和他教授的谈话。一开始是选择题,有just complete her study in her country (A),下一题选D内容忘了只记得A选项是reading ability,然后是单句填空,最后一个填interest。接下来问答题,问how often did she do the job in hospital in vacation? How many times did she do the part time job?还有一题答案是English language system.
还有一个Section是关于一帮墨西哥土人的历史建筑的事。因为实在太快我的答案如下仅供参考,一开始几个问答题。Live without tax,200years ago, castle和一个什么,然后是选择,最后是单句填空,有common houses
总结:听力总体比较快,这次的section 1and 4比平时任何的雅思辅导听力教材都快。迅速读题很重要。
1. Do you study or work?
Tell me sth about your study. How about your dormitory?
What’s your typical day? What do you do at weekends? Why do you think you just live for the weekend?
What’s your main food? I mean in China.
What do you like to eat best? Do you often eat alone or with others? Do you like western food?
2. Tell me sth about one of your friends.