Section 1 is about the theft happen in the street. The key words are West Street,where the thieves’car is waiting there. An elderly women was robbed her wallet and in it, fortunately her is unhurt. A witness reported the robbery to policeman.The young thief was 17, curly black hair, tall and slim, whereas the elder thief is 35y/o, the distinguished feature is a small scar in his chins. Section 2 is about the university resources. IN library you can borrow books,cassettes, videos. The other key words are book advance. There are 300 hundred students in the course, but only 150 was new students. Teachers are mainly from United States, South Africa and Australia; this should fill 3 in teachers’nationality.Section 3 is telling the story of Wrighters Brother. Wrighters Brother record can compare the data and found it was completely wrong. They solved two problems: Wind Design by using wind tunnels, and second problem I can’t remember. At same time in Sydney and New Zealand there are similar experiments. Section 4 is about planning the trees. Firstly tell about the benefits of tree: reduce windy, maintain humid, less dangerous etc. It keeps temperature below 20 centigrade. It keeps low noise frequency pass through. It evaporates water. Thee three factors for tree evaporation are sunlight, water and room to grow.
听力Verision number 24
3-6:关于他们住的地方有什么不满意的地方,男的是汽车的间隔时 间长,离shopping的地方远;女的是和别人共用厨房,浴室
7-9:是他们商量在一起吃饭,时 间,吃的东西fish,一个电话号码
需要填的公园的优点,缺点,开放的时 间,票价需要填的三个分别是2.6,6.2,4.5
这部分我提到的答案都是我听到的,是否准确有待考证. 第四部分:有关牛津和剑桥两所学校
32-35:大学教学形式tutorial,lecture,both or neither四个空
36-40:牛津剑桥的合称,学校public or private,一个百分比